How many words in 10 minutes?

Learn how many words are in a ten minute speech.

  • Slow
    1,100 words
  • Average
    1,300 words
  • Fast
    1,600 words

These estimates help you organize your speech to match the speed you want to speak at and make sure it fits into the time you have.

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Slow Speaking Rate

If you speak slowly, you'll typically use about 110 words per minute. For a 10 minute speech, you'd need approximately 1,100 words. This pace is suitable for speeches where clarity and comprehension are crucial.

Average Speaking Rate

A average speaking rate averages 130 words per minute. For a 10 minute speech, this equates to around 1,300 words. It's a comfortable pace for most audiences and situations.

Fast Speaking Rate

Speaking fast involves about 160 words per minute. For a 10 minute speech, you'd need about 1,600 words. This rate is suitable for dynamic presentations or when time is limited.

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