Use an online teleprompter in 2022

Learn the benefits of using an online teleprompter

Tell Your Story

Telling your own story is important for everyone, but especially for those who are starting or running a new business. You want people to know that you are in control of what you say and how you say it. The best way to do this is by using an online teleprompter.

Tell your story clearly and concisely.

Using one convincingly takes some practice but being able to communicate your story in a clear and concise manner can make a world of difference. Also, you can record takes quicker and cut down on editing time because you aren't rambling or cutting out "umms" and "ahhs". With advanced online teleprompters such as Speakflow, you can run the teleprompter yourself using our voice and remote features, so there's no need for an operator. Being able to quickly record and publish content for your business saves you time AND costs. 

Easy to set up

Online teleprompters are great because there isn't much setup. There's nothing to download and they are readily available on most devices with a web browser and a mic. Using an online teleprompter means that you don't have to worry about technical difficulties because all of the hard work has already been done — just sign up and add your scripts and you're off to the races. 

Another benefit of using an online teleprompter is that they are pretty much always available. You don't have to worry about anyone coming in and taking down your prompter because it's digital! As long as your device is working correctly and there aren't any technical issues with the physical prompter hardware, then you're good to go. But online teleprompters are also very useful for virtual meetings. 

Online options are easy to use and quick to load. Since they do not need to be set up ahead of time, you can call upon them whenever you need them without having to worry about any complex setup procedures. And with Speakflow, your scripts and settings sync across devices automatically — just sign in. Updates happen automatically, so you always have the latest version and we're consistently improving and adding functionality to help you work even more efficiently.

Want to start using online teleprompters?
Try Speakflow out today. 

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