Release Notes: Out of beta, new features, and more! 🚀

We're out of Beta and we've added loads of new features.

This was a huge month for! We're officially transitioned out of Beta!

Huge thanks to all of our users that have reported feedback and graciously (and patiently) worked with me to resolve bugs and roll out new features. We've just passed 200 Pro users! I'm so proud to have built something that's useful to so many people – from Youtubers to pastors. 

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This month alone I've rolled out many new features and improvements including: 

Remote mode – A powerful Pro feature that allows you to share your script to multiple devices, and control them all (scroll, change font size, etc).

"Auto" scrolling – Quite a few users requested a way to have the script scroll at a set rate.

Mic switching – You can now set and change the mic from within the app, instead of having to rely on changing your browser or device settings

Restart – Pressing "restart" used to just refresh the page, but now it scrolls back to the top and resets all the words.

Press "Spacebar" to Start – pretty self explanatory. Pressing the "Space Bar" key on your computer/laptop will now start/stop the teleprompter. Among other tweaks and bug fixes.

Since the relaunch, a few users have asked why this version isn't also free, and your financial support enables me to dedicate time to continue improving the app, pay collaborators, and provide support for customers. I appreciate you all. This is a bootstrapped company, I'm not working full-time on it yet but that is definitely a possibility based on the support so far.

Thank you, Corey

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