Free Online Teleprompter (with Pro features!)

An online voice-activated teleprompter with professional-grade features

Speakflow is an online teleprompter that works on Android, iOS, Mac, and PC.

It runs in your web browser so there is nothing to download. That also means that it can run on any platform and (almost) any internet-connected device with a web browser.

Updates are being made continually so every time you sign in, you're using the latest and greatest version with no need to check for updates.

You can sign in from your phone, or tablet, or iPad and access all of the features. If you happen to use a device that isn't supported but still has a web browser, you can use Remote mode.

Using the Remote feature, you can sync a script and control the settings on multiple devices at once. So, for example, if you want to read from your phone but control settings from your laptop, you can do that with Remote Mode.

With Speakflow, you get all the benefits of an online solution with the features and power of native apps that run on operating systems. Plus, it's always getting better.

A free online teleprompter that can handle all of your needs – in a professional studio setting or as a beginner at home. And it's even more powerful if you use our Pro features.

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Scroll with your voice, sync devices and collab with your team.

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