Fall update: Updated timers, mirroring and docs

Since the last big update, we've received AMAZING feedback! Thank you to everyone that's reached out.

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Since the last big update, we've received AMAZING feedback! Thank you to everyone that's reached out. We've got tons of development ahead of us on our roadmap and we're looking forward to rolling out even more updates. 

Here is a round of some small updates we've made in the last couple of weeks:

Silence timer - We raised the silence timer from 15 to 30 seconds. Before this change, if you were using Flow mode and remained silent for 15 seconds, Flow mode would automatically turn off. We've doubled that to 30 seconds now.

Mirror separate screens - Per feedback from users, we've added the ability to select which screen you want to mirrorr when using Remote mode. Before this change, if you were syncing multiple devices with Remote mode, all screens would flip. But now you can select when screens to flip.

- We've also added more links to the support docs around the site so that it's easier to find help when you need it. We've also written and updated the docs.

Design updates
- we've tweaked the UI a bit to be more intuitive, with more design updates rolling out soon.

Bug fixes
- various bug fixes that we've found and those that have been found by our users.

To give feedback/report issues, please complete this form and we'll reach out!



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